22 August 2013

Custom action on right click: Convert pdf to png

This is for Linux / KDE

Sometimes I need to convert a pdf to png (1 or more pages). There is a simple command that does that, but I'd like it to be simpler.

Well, the trick is:

1. Copy the text below in a text file

[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action Convert_PDF_to_PNG]
Exec=convert -density 300 %u %d/`basename %u .pdf`.png

2. Save it as  ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/pdf_to_png.desktop

Now, if you right click over a pdf, in Actions you should see your script.

If the pdf has multiple pages, you will have multiple png files.


Let me explain this just in case you want to modify it

Exec=convert -density 300 %u %d/`basename %u .pdf`.png

The command is  "convert -density 300  in.pdf  out.png"
%u is the URL  to the selected file
%d is the location of the file
with `basename %u .pdf`.png     I get the /path/to/in.pdf to  just   "in"  and then add ".png", otherwise the png files would be named   "in.pdf.png"


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