31 August 2016

MobileVOIP displays contacts twice when using Whatsapp.

I have an App called "MobileVOIP Cheap Voip Calls"

And I have Whatsapp too.

PROBLEM: For every contact with Whatsapp, the Whatsapp app created a duplicate contact with similar contact details.

And on the MobileVOIP app these contacts display twice.


- I tried to limit the visibility of the contacts to just the normal ones (Contacts > Contacts to display > Google), however that did not fix the issue. Within MobileVOIP they still display twice.

- Reinstalling Whatsapp did not help.

- Removing all the contacts and getting them from Google sync did not resolve the issue.

SOLUTION: I normally edit the contacts using the web (from Gmail > Contacts) and I realized that for every contact that I modified there, after they get sync to the phone the issue would disappear.

So I caused a massive edit by adding all the contacts to a temp group, wait, and them remove them from the temp group.

Problem resolved.

Now MobileVOIP only displays the contacts once.

Hope it helps to others.


Anonymous Ruben said...

Today I was fixing the same issue on a friend's phone.

The trick described above did not resolve the issue.

After some investigation, the duplicated contacts were Whatsapp contacts which are read-only.

These are the things I did to finally fix the issue (not sure if all are required).
- Installed a contacts formatter to eliminate all the spaces in numbers and have all with + instead of 00.
- sync to google
- cleared the apps "contacts" and "contacts storage" data.

The last step removed all the whatsapp contacts on the phone (all contacts of any kind to be precise). After sync, they were re-created from the nicely formatted contacts. So now, contacts on Google and Whatsapp look the same and stay as one, not two.

2:07 am  

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