25 January 2018

Editing entries in Kanotix Grub menu (quick and tricky)

This regarding the Kanotix live distro (version steelfire 2017) that boots from USB with persistence activated.

If you don't want to add your menu entries in the right place and then do all the work necessary to be able to run properly grub-update, then you can just find the file


edit it with the parameters you want and leave (you must be running in persistent mode).

Presently, the content of that file on my pc looks like

set persistence_cmdline='boot=live config utc=yes locales=en_GB.UTF-8 quiet splash persistence'

Once you reboot in Grub, you cannot see your edits directly on the menu, but you can press 'c' for command line mode and there do

# echo ${persistence_cmdline}

and you will see your edits.

I don't add "toram" into that line because sometimes I may want to run with persistence but without toram and removing something from the GRUB command line is way harder than adding it (you have to edit that ${persistence_cmdline} vs simply adding something after .

To boot toram (it needs 1.4GB RAM) I just select the GRUB line I want, press c and add toram at the end of the kernel parameters, like:

set persistence_cmdline='boot=live config utc=yes locales=en_GB.UTF-8 quiet splash persistence     toram


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