16 February 2006
15 February 2006
14 February 2006
Que cabrones!!! (lease: que listos son estos cabrones ;o)
Estaba en la pagina de www.voipstunt.com y abajo veo un banner de www.voipbuster.com .... Y pienso... Si son los competidores no pondrian el anuncio en su web. Por lo tanto son la misma empresa. Y se diversifican para hacerte meter el prepago 2 veces, con lo cual tienen el doble de dinero. Un dinero que mayormente se va a quedar ahi dormido, porque con las llamadas no te lo gastas, y ellos van a poder usarlo para agrandar sus bolsillos..... Si, si... muy listos los tios estos.... De todo hay que aprender.
Si hacer una compañia en internet cuesta X, hacer un clon de la misma cuesta poco mas que nada (en comparacion con X).
Je je... Y yo he picado.... :o) Pero no me importa, ahora tengo llamadas a Hungria gratis, asi que a tirar del telefonoooo....
La prueba aqui:
-------- (sacado de sus webs)
VoipStunt is a service from
Betamax GmbH & Co.Kg
Postfach 19 04 25
50501 Köln
VoipBuster is a service from
Betamax GmbH & Co.Kg
Postfach 19 04 25
50501 Köln
12 February 2006
Hacking extreme.
Some weeks ago the screen of my laptop got broke. Before take it to the repair shop I wanted to make a backup of my data, but the CD unit doesn't work.
Sooo... Creativity !!!
I put the laptop over a pc and I connected the hard disk of that PC to a ide-usb device to be able to use it through the usb of the laptop. So now, I can transfer the data to the HD and then burn in DVD's with the pc DVD-unit.
But, how to transfer the files if the screen doesn't work? Easy!!! I connected the laptop to the network of the house, and from another pc on the house I connected to my laptop and I worked on it like if I was over the laptop, but from other room.
I use this technique some times to be able to control the Radio Station from the sofa of my house :o) Is not nice? Like right now. The pc I have in front of my has 32Mb of Ram and no HD. Just memory, processor, cd and network.
In the pc of my house in Spain is even heavier. I put on it 3 back-doors, so if my mother has any problem with it, just a ring to my phone and I can enter on it in 3 different ways. Also I could see what she see and move her mouse, je je.... If you are wondering if my mother use Linux at home, the answer is YES. She use it because it JUST WORK. :o)
Sooo... Creativity !!!
I put the laptop over a pc and I connected the hard disk of that PC to a ide-usb device to be able to use it through the usb of the laptop. So now, I can transfer the data to the HD and then burn in DVD's with the pc DVD-unit.
But, how to transfer the files if the screen doesn't work? Easy!!! I connected the laptop to the network of the house, and from another pc on the house I connected to my laptop and I worked on it like if I was over the laptop, but from other room.
I use this technique some times to be able to control the Radio Station from the sofa of my house :o) Is not nice? Like right now. The pc I have in front of my has 32Mb of Ram and no HD. Just memory, processor, cd and network.
In the pc of my house in Spain is even heavier. I put on it 3 back-doors, so if my mother has any problem with it, just a ring to my phone and I can enter on it in 3 different ways. Also I could see what she see and move her mouse, je je.... If you are wondering if my mother use Linux at home, the answer is YES. She use it because it JUST WORK. :o)
06 February 2006
Que rapidez!!
Una vez al dia, en el trabajo paro 3 minutos y pongo la musica a tope y canto y bailo y de todo..... Y siempre hay alguien que tiene tiempo suficiente de oir la musica, sentirse molesto y subir hasta la azotea para decirme lo poco que le gusta el ruido...
Que ganas de joder.........
Si tardasen un par de minutos mas la musica habria desaparecido, pero no.... Tienen que ser rapidos como el rayo.
Grrrrrrrr........ :|