29 August 2010

Bash : My recent lessons from mistakes

I was trying to run some scheduled jobs using "at"
Things seemed to work but they didn't really work.
I figured out that some needed programs/functions were not available when the at job was running. Why? Well, interactive shell loads lots of stuff that may not be loaded when an at/cron job runs on its own.


"source file"  is an alias for ". file" and may not be available on the workspace at is running the job on. Better use ". file" to load functions from a file. You can see all the alias/functions available in your session with the command "set"

Since you don't see the output of at jobs, it is recommended you redirect both outputs for troubleshooting/verification (always specify full path to the files, you don't know where at will run the job from)

There are many ways:

command  >  out.log 2> error.log
command  >  out.plus.error.log  2>&1 

See more on http://www.linuxtutorialblog.com/post/tutorial-the-best-tips-tricks-for-bash

If the job is complex, you may require timestamps in the output (this is mixing both outputs and adding the timestamp)

command   2>&1  | sed "s/^/\[`/bin/date +%F`\] /"  >> all.with.timestamp.log

Since you know where the job is going to run, you can monitor what it does with some sort of

watch -d '/bin/ps auxww | grep <your_username> '

And also checking how the logs are moving

tail -f  /location/logs/*

If you read that "at" is not for periodic jobs, ignore that. If you want to run the job periodically, just add at the end of the job a line scheduling the job again. In this way, you schedule it one time, and it will schedule itself from then on. You can always stop this with "atrm"

Kind regards / Atentamente
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