29 October 2006

Oporto / Porto and the beaches on the south.

Comming back from Coimbra to Guimaraes I had to let the bike on Oporto because
the last train didn't accept bikes, so today morning I went back to Oporto
for the bike and by the way, to do this route


and I did :o)

I could tell many stories about funny things that happened on my way, but I am
tired and this is just a blog, not my life on text mode. I will keep it
between my memory and me :0)

The next sunny weekend I am thinking on doing the same, but on the other side
of the river, i.e. on the north of Oporto.

It's incredible how many things I did today... I am very happy because today I
lived every minute, not like the last but like no other.

Coimbra. "The city is part of our house"

That's the impression I got after spend many ours cycling on Coimbra. Looking
the streets, the houses, the walls, the things hanging on the streets, on the
walls, on the houses, ... one discover that the street and by extension the
city is a prolongation of the houses. And the life on the streets is a living
expression of what is happening on the houses.

I was expecting a bigger city, but the downtown is very small. Maybe because
is on a mountain. But later I discovered that the city itself is quite big.

One of my biggest surprises arrived near the end, on a park on the shore of
the river... What a nice place...

26 October 2006

Stop Bush Project.

23 October 2006

Trip to Braga.

20 October 2006

Printing man pages.

To print man pages with good looking but fast and without waste too much

%% for one manual
# man -Tps COMMAND > file.ps

%% for more than one (example)
# for i in {hciattach,hciconfig,hcid,hcid.conf,hcidump,hcitool}; do man -Tps
$i > $i.ps ; done;
# psmerge -ojoin.man.ps *ps

Now you can print the ps choosing how many pages per side and other things.

If the result is not fine, try to convert to pdf. Many times it works.

# ps2pdf join.man.ps

18 October 2006

Tweaking web translators.

I just added a web translator to the blog of 'Exchange in Guimaraes'. But it
wasn't easy to get the desired result.

First I tried with the Google translator, but it doesn't work when you want to
keep a permanent link, i.e. a link to translate your web.

Surfing I found a static one, Babelfish. But there was a problem, all the
links on the web are translated by Babelfish after change the language, so
there was no way to come back to the original language.

Inspecting the source code of the webs, I found this:

<script language="JavaScript">
var babelTF="TF";
function babelOrigWin(babelOrigUrl){
var myWin =
var origURL = 'http://e-um.blogspot.com';
document.write("<a target='_self' href='javascript:babelOrigWin(origURL)'
class=xs alt='origURL'>View page in its original Language</a>");
// --></script>

Which open another small window and other things that I don't want. I just
want to come back to the original language!!

Playing with the code, I discovered that changing it like this

<script language="JavaScript">
var babelTF="TF";
function babelOrigWin(babelOrigUrl){
var myWin =
var origURL = 'http://e-um.blogspot.com';
document.write("<a target='_self' href='' class=xs alt='origURL'>View page in
its original Language</a>");
// --></script>

The result was good, but I wanted a British flag as link to come back to the
original language.

<li><script language="JavaScript">
var babelTF="TF";
function babelOrigWin(babelOrigUrl){
var myWin =
var origURL = 'http://e-um.blogspot.com';
document.write("<li><a target='_self' href=''><img
src='http://www.whistlersinn.com/images/flagbritish.gif' width='50'
alt='English Version' class=xs alt='origURL'></a></li>");
// --></script></li>

The desired result is obtained. Great!!
I think it's possible to cut out half of the code, but if it doesn't disturb I
prefer to let it there.


Illusion is the first of all pleasures.
-- Voltaire

"What man has done, man can aspire to do."
-- Jerry Pournelle, about space flight

16 October 2006

Trip to S.Torcato.

S.Torcato is a town near to Guimaraes with some historical important places.
There is a tourist route that goes through all of them.

Nice route for a sunny Saturday }:o) Of course, by bike.

Trip to the Penha.

On 5-Oct, take advantage of a bank holiday (Republic day) I took the bike on
the morning and decided to climb to the nearest mountain to Guimaraes.

On the top there is a church, one hotel and many other things inside a very
big and quite nice park. Very good place to visit on a sunny day. :O)

Night comes over the residence.

This is my friend Omar from Turkey.

Here we are on the kitchen of the last floor of the residence on one of those
parties that we made every week.

06 October 2006

Que harias si no tuvieses miedo? / What would you do if you had no fear?

I remeber this sentence from the book "Quien se ha llevado mi queso"/"Who
moved my cheese" and many times I realize how useful could it be for many

Long time ago (more than 10 years) I decided not to take decisions or do/don't
do things because of fear. And the results are really positive...

The life has to be faced up with courage. If you want, you can turn every
problem in a opportunity to improve.


La fuente de todas las miserias para el hombre no es la muerte, sino el
miedo a la muerte.
-- Epicteto. (50-135) Filósofo grecolatino.

La felicidad para mi consiste en gozar de buena salud, en dormir sin
miedo y despertarme sin angustia.
-- Francoise Sagan. (1935- ) Escritora francesa.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

Most of the fear that spoils our life comes from attacking difficulties
before we get to them.
-- Dr. Frank Crane

Americans' greatest fear is that America will turn out to have been a
phenomenon, not a civilization.
-- Shirley Hazzard, "Transit of Venus"

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