12 April 2018

Virtual Box : VM connectivity problems

Virtual Box

Problem: Virtual Machine is able to get connectivity to the Internet when the host is connected to Internet via wifi but not when connected via cable (or the other way around).

Answer: That happens because when you provide a network interface to the VM attached to bridged adapter, that adapter is either the wifi-adapter or the ethernet-adapter. So your host will get connectivity either way, but the VM is tied to only one (wifi on the picture).

Solution: If you frequently connect via wifi/cable, add another network adapter to cover the other possibility (ethernet on the picture).

03 April 2018

Changing system timezone in Debian

I tried many things but nothing had effect on the time seen by users, until I did this

# mv /etc/localtime  /etc/localtime.bak
# ln -s   /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/<YourCapital>  /etc/localtime

Previously I did

# tzselect
# ntpdate <countryID>.pool.ntp.org

and reboot, but still no joy.

Too Cool for Internet Explorer