09 October 2009

How to read pdf with inverted colors

Easy, use kpdf  (for Linux :o))

In the configuration you will find "change colors" on the "accessibility" section.

Some tags
read pdf inverted colors colours black and white
without exporting to image picture
search functionality pdf inverted

04 October 2009

English text reader.

The script below is a bash function. Just paste and you will be able to use it.

Once you call it it will speak any piece of text to paste/write until you press Ctrl+D

If you press enter without entering anything new it will repeat the last entry . This is useful if you want to hear a sentence/word many times until you get the correct pronunciation.

I added some tricks to make it work even if the sound card is already in use (it will use ALSA mixer).

#### Console reader
# If after entering a word/text you press enter it will repeat the last input
# Finish with Ctr-C or Ctrl-D
function myreader () {
while read in; do

        if [ "$in" = ""  ] ; then
                #espeak --stdout "$in2" | artscat -b 16 -c 1 -r 22000;
                espeak --stdout "$in2" | aplay -q;
                echo " $in2"
                espeak -qx "$in2"
                #espeak --stdout "$in" | artscat -b 16 -c 1 -r 22000;
                espeak --stdout "$in" | aplay -q;
                espeak -qx "$in"

        #echo "$in2"
done; }

Too Cool for Internet Explorer