28 September 2008

Another milestone.

Today, 28th of September 2008, me and myself have completed the 3 blocks of
the German course (90 lessons).

Many hours having aloud conversations with my mp3 on the bus, while taking a
coffee, on the meeting room, walking, running, waiting, sleeping,... in every
f***ing place through 2 or 3 countries, intermittently for 2+ years... (at
some stage I stopped learning German because I had to learn Hungarian, then
French and then Portuguese).

But now, today, I have finished.

Tomorrow I am starting with Italian, and this one will have no interruption.

I shall cut off the head of the one who stands on my way... I swear!!

Next spring I'll be speaking Italian.

El amor hace pasar el tiempo; el tiempo hace pasar el amor.
-- Proverbio italiano.

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