Easy desktop sharing with VNC (linux)
I was trying to use vnc to connect to my work-computer as I left it. For that I used krfb (from KDE) but it has a bug that seems to be fixed on the next version of KDE. The bug is that the client disconnects, krfb crashes and you have to close the error window on the server side. As I am not on the server side, this makes it all a bit useless. As I don't feel like changing KDE even an inch, I searched for another solution.
This simple command starts the server, and when the user disconnects it keeps listening, so you can connect and disconnect as much as you want.
# start server
x11vnc -shared -forever -usepw -ncache 10 -display :0
# start client
vncclient IP:0 (using the port given when you run the server, so it could be :1 or other thing)