31 May 2015

Parking/Freezing Firefox for a while.

I use Firefox quite intensively, several windows, on several desktops, with many tabs on each one.

I am not a paralleling/multitasking freak, but there are some things that need to stay there.

And as a consequence Firefox is the application that uses the CPU most.

When I am working on something else and I won't need it for some time I wish I could just freeze it so it stops using cpu/disk no matter the number of windows. It will still use the RAM but I will save the time and hassle of restarting the whole Firefox.

Well, the command below does that

# killall -s STOP iceweasel ; read -p "Press Enter to Start Firefox"; killall -s CONT iceweasel

(you may want to replace iceweasel for Firefox)

I enter it when I want to freeze Firefox and then press enter to defrost it.

I don't know how I never thought of using it before. Works like a charm!

Too Cool for Internet Explorer