26 September 2015

Linux: Creating a shortcut on the lxpanel > application launch bar. (quick and easy way).

First we will add a shortcut to a normal app and then modify that shortcut to fit our needs.


Right click over the application launch bar and select add/remove panel items.

Add a shortcut for a normal app (lets call it  XXX). Add it a the bottom to locate it easily.

Within ~/.config/lxpanel/LXDE/panels you will find some files.

Find which one contains a reference to XXX

It looks like

Button {

Copy that file to your ~/bin/ folder.
Edit it to fit your needs (mostly changing the command on the Exec= line).

Edit the path to make it go to your new file
id=/usr/share/applications/vlc.desktop   -->   id=/home/yourid/bin/vlc.desktop   (path must be absolute)

Restart lxpanel
lxpanelctl restart

Now, when you click that XXX icon it should execute whatever you put on the Exec= line

I hope it helps.
If you know a better way, please say it.
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