Increasing Androids battery life (daily and total)
It all about reducing battery stress and use
To reduce use:
I installed "Disable Application [ROOT]"
and then I created shortcuts to disable the popular battery eaters "Google Play Services" "Chrome" and "Google Maps". I enable Services when required by other apps, but off when not. Now my battery consumption stays nearly flat when the phone / tablet is not actively used.
You not only will note that the battery last much longer, but it also charges quicker.
I also disabled apps that I use rarely but like to be doing things even if you don't open them.
To reduce stress:
1. Try to eliminate frequent small charges (when cable is connected for long time and battery is full). For that I use "battery full notification" [1]
When charge is about 98%, I hear notification every minute to unplug the cable.
2. Sometimes I get a faulty cable / charger. If I suspect that, I activate "battery log"
to know if there are frequent disconnections to the cable [2]
Thanks to the creator of those free apps.
[1] Ideally, I would like an App that disables charging until the battery reaches a threshold like 90%, so you would NOT need to unplug the cable when the battery is full (my laptop does that).
[2] One morning I noticed the phone was charged during the night intermittently due to a bad connection of the cable. Reeealy bad for the battery.