24 May 2019

Changing the Reserved Space On EXT Partitions within TrueCrypt volumes

Mount the volume without mounting the filesystem inside
#/usr/bin/truecrypt -t --filesystem=none /path/to/encrypted_container

Find out where it is mounted with
# /usr/bin/truecrypt -l

In my case it is /dev/mapper/truecrypt2

Verify the reserved block count
#tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/truecrypt2  | grep "Reserved block count"

Reserved block count:     48734

Change it to zero
#tune2fs -m 0  /dev/mapper/truecrypt2

Dismount the volume (I did it with the GUI)

23 May 2019

How to extract certain links from pages with obfuscated links (behind php redirects).

1. Grab the url of the page containing the links

2. Go to https://hackertarget.com/extract-links/ or similar and get the links

3. The links we are interested are behind php redirects, so we can run the following bash script to collect them


for i in $links;
do curl  -sw "\n\n%{redirect_url}" $i ;

15 May 2019

Bookmarklet for those using Paperspace Gradient Notebooks regularly.

If you use notebooks regularly/daily, and you switch it off, next day the notebooks have a new ID, so all the windows/tabs you left open are not valid anymore.

Things like

Should now be

You can open the pages again or update the urls manually.

Well, I created this little bookmarklet that will ask you for the new Notebook ID (you can get it before the gradient/notebook is fully loaded) and apply it one by one to each tab/window.

javascript:(function() { var notebookID= prompt("Enter New Notebook ID","");  if (notebookID)   window.location=window.location.toString().replace(/\/\/\w{5,9}/,"//"+notebookID); })()

Just create a bookmark and then substitute its url for the code

O maybe bookmark this   UpdateNotebook
(you can change the name to whatever you want)

I hope it helps.
Too Cool for Internet Explorer