Adding waterfox to profile-sync-daemon
It is not "supported" by default, but it works if you do the following.
# stop service
systemctl --user stop psd
systemctl --user disable psd
# add profile for waterfox
-------------- create a file called waterfox with this content
if [[ -d $HOME/.waterfox ]]; then
profileArr=( $(grep '[P,p]'ath= $HOME/.waterfox/profiles.ini |
sed 's/[P,p]ath=//') )
for profileItem in ${profileArr[@]}; do
if [[ $(echo $profileItem | cut -c1) = "/" ]]; then
# path is not relative
# we need to append the default path to give a
# fully qualified path
drop your profile in /usr/share/psd/browsers/
# verify user settings
you should have something similar to
BROWSERS="waterfox google-chrome"
# enable service
systemctl --user start psd
systemctl --user enable psd
# now you should see waterfox within the profiles covered
$ psd preview
Profile-sync-daemon v6.31 on Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Systemd service is currently active.
Systemd resync-timer is currently active.
Overlayfs v23 is currently active.
Psd will manage the following per /home/USER/.config/psd/.psd.conf:
browser/psname: waterfox/waterfox
owner/group id: USER/<blah>
sync target: /home/USER/.waterfox/6jebqofr.default
tmpfs dir: /run/user/<blah>/USER-waterfox-6jebqofr.default
profile size: 709M
overlayfs size: 0
recovery dirs: 1 <- delete with the c option
dir path/size: /home/USER/.waterfox/<blah>.default-backup-crashrecovery-20230624_224855 (692M)
browser/psname: google-chrome/chrome
owner/group id: USER/<blah>
sync target: /home/USER/.config/google-chrome
tmpfs dir: /run/user/<blah>/USER-google-chrome
profile size: 588M
overlayfs size: 0
recovery dirs: 1 <- delete with the c option
dir path/size: /home/USER/.config/google-chrome-backup-crashrecovery-20230624_224900 (750M)
# enable service
systemctl --user start psd
systemctl --user enable psd
# now you should see waterfox within the profiles covered
$ psd preview
Profile-sync-daemon v6.31 on Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Systemd service is currently active.
Systemd resync-timer is currently active.
Overlayfs v23 is currently active.
Psd will manage the following per /home/USER/.config/psd/.psd.conf:
browser/psname: waterfox/waterfox
owner/group id: USER/<blah>
sync target: /home/USER/.waterfox/6jebqofr.default
tmpfs dir: /run/user/<blah>/USER-waterfox-6jebqofr.default
profile size: 709M
overlayfs size: 0
recovery dirs: 1 <- delete with the c option
dir path/size: /home/USER/.waterfox/<blah>.default-backup-crashrecovery-20230624_224855 (692M)
browser/psname: google-chrome/chrome
owner/group id: USER/<blah>
sync target: /home/USER/.config/google-chrome
tmpfs dir: /run/user/<blah>/USER-google-chrome
profile size: 588M
overlayfs size: 0
recovery dirs: 1 <- delete with the c option
dir path/size: /home/USER/.config/google-chrome-backup-crashrecovery-20230624_224900 (750M)