30 November 2004

Ruben has an Gmail account!!!

Yes!! Thanks to Daniel Sangorrin and his friend Luis I have a gmail
account. It is .......... (....... was taken, a pity).

More. Yesterday I did a script to change automatically the end of my
mail-signature adding a phrase.

This is the phrase for today:
En todo el mundo, no hay soledad como en la gran ciudad. HAYES, Helen

I am making progress in my classes of Tango. In a few weeks I'll
become in a real tanguero. Don't confuse with tanga (Y) :P

The script is this (for who can be interested):
cat standard_signature >> firma_modificada
wget -O citadeldiatexto.php
http://servicios.citasyrefranes.com/citadeldiatexto.php && html2text
citadeldiatexto.php | head --lines=-2 | tail --lines=+2 >>

simple, right?


26 November 2004


Es como yo defeniria a la intoxicacion de la mente por el exceso de

Creo que fue en la peli 'Johnny Mnemonic' donde vi por primera vez algo
que llamaban 'fiebre negra' (creo) y era algo que muchos habitantes de
las sociedades del futuro sufrian debido al exceso de informacion...

Hace poco una amiga me dijo que iba a acabar mal... Cada dia cuando
llego a casa me conecto a Internet y empiezo a devorar informacion,
manuales, noticias, etc... hasta que me acuesto (normalmente tarde).
Aprendo y aprendo, y cuando mas aprendo mas quiero aprender porque ese
conocimiento me abre las puertas a mas y mas conocimiento... y se me
llena la cabeza de mas y mas ideas y cosas que quiero descubrir, con las
que quiero experimentar, ....

El conocimiento es poder, eso es cierto, pero adquirirlo requiere
tiempo. Y para mi, contrariamente el tiempo es una de las cosas mas
importantes. Digo contrariamente, porque cada noche, en vez de
gastarmelo en vivir, me lo gasto en devorar informacion. Podria decirse
que es uno de mis hobbies, y es cierto. Mi carrera es otro de ellos. Si
estuviese en Gent, ese tiempo lo emplearia en descubrir la ciudad,
quedar con amigos, hacer fotografias, etc... Pero aqui, en Santander,
las opciones despues de salir de clase no son tantas. Bueno, en verdad
opciones hay todas las que tu te des, pero no es lo mismo...

Y a que venia todo esto... Pues que tengo la cabeza llena de cosas
(lease pajaros) y para liberarla un poco me apetecia soltar aqui la
parrafada... Je,je ... y puedo hacerlo, asi que lo hago, que para eso es
mi blog. Toma morenoooo...!!!

21 November 2004

Free Again!!

Finally.... After two weeks with 4hours of class in the morning and 5h
in the afternoon I will be able to recover the normal rhythm.

The course that I just finished is something about the systemic
management of companies 9:o) (can anybody understand what it is?)

Now I am working with the pc in some works and in a few hours I will go
to another course (this is just for fun). It is a dance course of Tango.

Later, I hope to find some friends to finish the day dancing in the
pubs (no tango, of course).

20 November 2004

Nice commands...

_ _ _
| | | | ___ | | __ _ __ _ __ _
| |_| |/ _ \| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _` |
| _ | (_) | | (_| | (_| | (_| |_ _ _
|_| |_|\___/|_|\__,_|\__,_|\__,_(_|_|_)

_ _ _
| | | | ___ _ __ ___ (_)___
| |_| |/ _ \ '__/ _ \ | / __|
| _ | __/ | | __/ | \__ |_| |_|\___|_| \___| |_|___/

____ _
| _ \ _ _| |__ ___ _ __
| |_) | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ | _ <| |_| | |_) | __/ | | |
|_| \_\\__,_|_.__/ \___|_| |_|

_ _
_ __ | | __ _ _ _(_)_ __ __ _
| '_ \| |/ _` | | | | | '_ \ / _` |
| |_) | | (_| | |_| | | | | | (_| |
| .__/|_|\__,_|\__, |_|_| |_|\__, |
|_| |___/ |___/
_ _ _ _ _
__ _(_) |_| |__ | |__ (_)___
\ \ /\ / / | __| '_ \ | '_ \| / __|
\ V V /| | |_| | | | | | | | \__ \_/\_/ |_|\__|_| |_| |_| |_|_|___/

____ _ _
| _ \ ___| |__ (_) __ _ _ __
| | | |/ _ \ '_ \| |/ _` | '_ | |_| | __/ |_) | | (_| | | | |_
|____/ \___|_.__/|_|\__,_|_| |_(_)

__ __ _ _ _
\ \ / / _ _ __ (_|_|_)
\ V / | | | '_ \| | | |
| || |_| | |_) | | | |_ _ _ _
|_| \__,_| .__/|_|_|_(_|_|_|_)

11 November 2004

Oh my god... So much things to tell...

I have been disconnected during 3 weeks approximately. It was due to a
problem with my computer. He wants to go to Russia on winter holidays,
and I don't have enough money and time to go...

Finally we have reconciled, and we are together again. But in our
relation sth. has changed a lot. Before I was working for him, and now
he works for me. Yes, your ears don't tell lies. After a lot of time
trying to migrate to Linux, after 2 projects over Linux, after a lot of
experiences,..... It has happened!!! And the reason was a mix of
reasons, but the most important was an accident...

I was attempting to install a new distro of Linux on my laptop, and
during the tests of one or other configuration, partitions, boot agents,
etc. my cdrom started to fail and after break the partitions table the
cdrom broke. So I was with a laptop with a empty hard disk, and without
cdrom, i.e. without possibility to install anything....

No problem, I tried to boot from the network ( I learnt very good how
to do it on my last project), and the computer tell me a error message,
so strange that I think that it doesn't know how to do it (stupid!!).

In that moment a great adventure started. I broke my head attempting to
boot from a lot of devices (from my mobile (it had the operating system
inside a SD card), from a mp3-usb player (of a friend of me, I almost
break it... :o| ), and finally... Tired of no progress, I tried again
with the network and I discovered some mistakes (really it was lack of

I was able to boot from the network, execute over a server, and read
the cdrom of the server and install sth. That sth. is KANOTIX, my new
Linux distribution. It is based on Debian and is son of Knoppix, and is

Well, I have to make some homeworks and go bed.

This weekend I'll go to SIMO ( http://www.simo.ifema.es ), to learn how
is the actual market going.

Too Cool for Internet Explorer