23 June 2006

Maquina del tiempo.

"Todos tenemos nuestra maquina del tiempo,
las que nos llevan hacia atras son recuerdos,
las que nos llevan hacia adelante son sueños."

22 June 2006

Timezone Livezone Lifezone

It is strange....

A few weeks ago, living in Debrecen (Hungary) I use to wake up at 5, 6 am
because of the sun.

Now, living in Santander (Spain) I use to go bed at 2,3 am because I want to
make many things every day and I don't feel like going bed...

Sometimes I think that here in Spain we live much more than in other
countries... At least me.

For example today. I went back from the beach when it started to get dark. At
what time? At 21:40h.

Not everybody is so lucky.... :P

Kind regards, Ruben.

21 June 2006

From "Matrix" to "I robot"

from http://it.slashdot.org/it/06/06/20/1953256.shtml I read:

"Microsoft recently announced the launch of their new Microsoft Robotics Group
and the first product release, a software program to help robotics

... and I think... this start to look like the film "I robot". It's deeply
know that all the products of Micro$oft have hidden gateways that allow the
USA National Defense Agency (I don't know the correct name) to control these
computers with M$ software. And now, M$ goes for the robots market... If they
act in the same way that with the OS software, what is the result ?? => "I

They (the USA) have so big fear of everything that they could justify the
elimination of the rest of the world in order to keep themselves safe (second
Nazi war ??). But, even in that scenario they won't be safe, because they are
dangerous even for themselves. It's like those films where everybody is
frightened and nobody trust anybody. What happen finally...? Everybody try to
kill everybody and finally all except one or half survive...

They are crazy and they are dangerous....
On my opinion, if Windows is the OS that act as a software-virus, the USA is
the human-virus of the earth.

20 June 2006

Ruben in Hungary 12-2005 -- 06-2006

Here is a very small video with some pictures that offer a small summary of my 6 months period on Hungary. It could have better quality, but I have no space on disk to do it better }:o) Donations to buy a bigger disk are accepted.

Version 1. Low quality.

Version 2. Bigger quality, diferent song.
You can download it HERE (30 Mb)

18 June 2006


On my free time sometimes I like to play with my Linux and learn to do new things.

Here some commands (for curious):

# for i in *jpg ; do a=${i%.jpg}; b=${a//=/' '}; montage -geometry
600x600 -label "$b" "$i" destino/$i; done;

If the files have names like

This command will make a picture of every picture with the text under it
Ruben (Spain) my@mail.com
Dylan (China) his@mail.com

And then another command:
# montage destino/*jpg out.jpg

Will join all these pictures in one.

Something like this:

PD: This people is from the last seminar that I had in Hungary.


"No naci en España, pero eso no fue culpa mia"
--Ernest Hemingway

17 June 2006

My bar.

This is how usually looks the lower bar of my screen.

Communication: Skype, Gaim, SipPhone
Browsers: Mozilla, Epiphany
Music: Xmms, Rhytmbox
Konsole, wifi, Kmail and other stuff...

They always work and good.
I am very proud of my Debian Linux }:o)

15 June 2006

«Los españoles saben pasárselo bien»

Me hago eco de una noticia aparecida en

De ella he extraido lo que mas me ha gustado:

-¿Qué es lo que más aprecia de España?

-Me gusta mucho de los españoles el que saben pasárselo bien y disfrutar de
las pequeñas cosas de la vida como la compañía de los amigos, un paseo,
charlar o una buena comida. Tanto los españoles como los italianos se
enfrentan a los asuntos de la vida con mucha pasión e imaginación. Creo que
somos ante todo artistas, un poco pícaros y muy improvisadores. Por eso
quizás nuestros países a veces fallan en los asuntos que requieren
practicidad y racionalidad como la organización política y social.

-¿Que destacaría del carácter de la gente de Tierra de Campos?

-Es gente que parece muy ligada a su tierra y eso se refleja en su carácter
sencillo y sobrio. La mayoría de los que he conocido han sido acogedores,
disponibles y con ganas de conocerme. La gente de aquí parece tener un refrán
para cada ocasión, eso me hace gracia. También he notado que se pone muy
nerviosa cuando se empieza a discutir sobre política.

-¿Repetiría la experiencia?

Claro. Una experiencia laboral en el exterior es enriquecedora, no solo desde
el punto de vista laboral y lingüístico, sino sobre todo humano. Viajar te
permite conocer gente, culturas, lugares y maneras de vivir diferentes.


14 June 2006

Because I want.

I received this picture today.
I like it.
I put it here.
Why not?
It's my blog, so ...

Comments are welcome.
Sincerely, Ruben.

13 June 2006

Output of command.

The signature of my mails was made with the output of these commands:

# cat firma_base_sola; echo -e "\n\tOne day like today:" ; calendar -A
0 -f /usr/share/calendar/calendar.world | head -n 2

And the result (private data part omitted)

One day like today:
Jun 13 Alexander the Great dies (323BC)
Jun 13 Pioneer flies past Neptune, and therefore out of the Solar System

I will change it now. I let the previous one here for if I want to take it
back later or if it's useful for somebody.

12 June 2006

Last day in Hungary / First day in Spain

Well, this is a long story. Mainly because this 'day' really was 2 days

It started on Friday-9-Jun. I woke up at 8am to finish packing my things.
Later Radboud appear on my house to say a last goodbye (almost). Then, at
10:30 we met on his office and that was the really last goodbye. He gave me a
gift, the same that he gave to Dylan, a photo inside a frame.

Then, I went back home to continue packing and at 13h Gyury come to my house
to say goodbye and to take the ham and the holder that I wanted give to him.
He also accompany me to send another box with clothes by post.

After that, a last round with the bike on the center, give back a book and
check the place where I would have to take my 'shuttle-bus'.

During the afternoon somebody surprised me with a visit and a bottle of wine.
Zsolt, the volunteer who worked with me on the first radio appear at my house
together with his girlfriend and the bottle. Oh my good... I am taking
medication and you come with alcohol... In the begginning I didn't want to
drink too much, but we started to talk (mainly me) and drinking and talking
we finish the bottle.

Peter called me. He wanted to track my movements because he forgot the key of
the flat and he was not sure at what time he would arrive home.

Finally I waited and waited for him, then shower, dinner (at 23:40h) and ....
I wanted to spend my last hours on Debrecen dancing like crazy on the discos
near my house, but thanks to Peter I had only one hour. Doesn't matter, with
the omelet still going down I went to dance to Pince and Basis. It's funny, I
paid the ticket of Basis only to dance 30 min, but anyway, I enjoyed a lot.

At 01:00 am I was at home, take some food, and my luggage and go to TESCO to
take my shuttle-bus. When I walked 10 meter with my luggage I was exhausted,
but lucky me, It was Friday and my street is plenty of taxis because of the
discos on it. One taxi to TESCO and then wait.

At 2:00am the shuttle-bus appear like a shuttle-van. I was the only one so I
sitted together with the driver. He told me that he just wake up after
sleeping during 3 hours on the van. He was yawning and me scared.

During the 3 hours trip to Budapest airport the music was present on the car
all the time. Sometimes very aloud but it was the way the driver use to keep
himself awake. At least the music was fine for me.

Then wait on the airport, check in and flight to London Standsted. During the
check-in I had to fight with the woman. She wanted me to pay as if I carry a
bike and my bike folded has the dimmensions of a normal package and for that
reason I didn't want to pay extra.

The dialog was something like this: (W=Woman R=Ruben)
W. What is inside the box?
R. A bike?
W. You have to go there and check it as a ....
R. No no!! This is NOT A BIKE.
W. What is inside?
R. I don't know. This is just a box.
W. If this is a bike you have to ....
R. THIS IS A BOX with the permitted dimensions and I don't know what is
W. Do you want to flight?
R. Yes, Igen.
W. I can see the sticker of a bike.
R. You can see the sticker of a elephant if you want. THIS IS A BOX with the
permitted dimensions.

Finally... I got it. Normal box, no extra pay. }:o)

Then in the airport in London I spend many hours waiting and finally the time
of my check in arrived. (M=Man R=Ruben)

M. What is inside?
R. An iron structure.
M. The box says that it contains a bike.
R. The box can say whatever he wants, you are asking me and I said AN IRON
M. Ok.

I was really tired and I didn't want to fight for long time.

On the queue I found a guy from my city and we stay together until we arrive
to Santander. He was a Doctor that went to London for some days to prepare a
English exam. Nice guy. I am really thank that he stay with me otherwise if I
am alone I could fall sleeping anywhere.

Finally all my luggage my bike and me arrived safe to Santander. It was a
sunny day with 24 degrees (here it's quite hot because of the humidity).

Well, so this 48h-day was my last/first day in Hungary/Spain.
I could have pictures, but I was very tired to be taking pictures... ]:o)

04 June 2006

Last dinner together....

I took this picture one sunday morning after a nice Saturday night with
friends at home. We had dinner together and then we play twister.

We still had the ballooms everywhere from the party of Mr.Dylan.

Too Cool for Internet Explorer